Sequencing services
1. 18S/ITS Metagenomics sequencing
2. 16S Metagenomics Sequencing
Sequencing Region:V3-V4/V4/ITS1/ITS2
Other requested regions are considered as customized service.
3. Whole genome sequencing
Sequencing depth:≥100X; minimum throughput 0.5G/sample
Sample type
1. Bacterial genomic DNA PCR fragment
2. 16S Metagenomics Sequencing
3. Genomic DNA
Sample QC Requirement
1. Volume 20ul
A260/280: 1.8-2.0
A260/230: 1.8-2.0
2. Volume 20ul
Genomic DNA conc.>6ng/ul
PCR fragment 30ng/ul
A260/280: 1.8-2.0
A260/230: 1.8-2.0
3. volume 20ul
A260/280: 1.8-2.0
A260/230: 1.8-2.0
Integrity:high molecular weight band on electrophoresis with little degradation or frafment size greater than 20kb
1. Around 40 working days
2. Around 40 working days
3. Around 40 working days(max. 20 samples); larger amount of sample takes longer time depending on actual situation.